Dog Walking
- Dog walking services available during the working day
- Available for Old Town, Okus, Kingshill and Wichelstowe dog owners
- Group and individual walks available (maximum of 4 dogs)
- All walks take place in safe and suitable locations
- Poo bags and treats provided free of charge
- At the end of each walk, dogs will be returned home and towel dried. Water bowls will be filled and food given if required
- Each walk costs £14 per hour or £10 per half hour. Additional dogs are half price.
Pet Sitting Visits
- Pet visits available for Old Town, Okus, Kingshill and Wichelstowe pet owners
- Each visit lasts around 20 minutes
- I will spend time with your pet, clean up an mess and play with them
- Each visit includes feeding and refreshing of water
- A small local walk can be included if required
- Visits available in the morning and afternoon
- Just £9 per visit